Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Raw Protein Squares

Okay, folks - by popular demand, I have written out a simple raw protein bar recipe. I always do variations of this, sometimes I add more of one thing, sometimes I add whole new ingredients or take some out, sometimes I make rolls, balls, etc.... but the point is, I still end up with 100% raw, plant-based protein. The kind your body loves and needs after a workout!

These contain chlorella, one of the most highly concentrated protein substances you can get. That's why they're green. Oh, and I have a confession to make... I used roasted organic peanut butter in mine, so it technically isn't raw. BUT feel free to switch it up, cashew butter or almond butter works wonderfully as well.

-1/2 cup nuts, soaked overnight or for at least 2 hours, drained and rinsed
-6 chopped and pitted medium size dates (if using Medjool dates, use only 4)
-1/3 cup raw nut butter
-1 tsp maca powder
-2 tsp chlorella or spirulina
-1 tbsp raw honey
-1 tsp vanilla extract
-1 tbsp melted coconut oil

Use a food processor to combine nuts and chopped dates for about one minute, until no large chunks remain and mixture is uniform. Add remaining ingredients, process until mixture clings together like dough. Firmly press into a small pan and refrigerate at least two hours. Cut into six squares. Carefully use a knife to remove squares from pan, store in fridge in an airtight container.

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